Wednesday, October 14, 2009

College Application

I am a charismatic and exceptional figure. My peers are compelled by my magnetic grace. I have no elders. I can speak seven languages, recite piano concertos with one finger and travel the world in a single day. I have led crusades and conducted large scale public protests. I have been on both the defending and inflicting end of a full castle assault. I have never returned my movie rentals late and I ALWAYS rewind. I once ate before swimming at the beach, obtained a cramp, and still managed to walk away. I have nine lives, two chins and a full set of 32 teeth. When in Rome; I act out to the pleasure of my personal preference. I've painted Devinci with an etch-a-sketch, read Shakespeare in the dark and taught a blind man ballroom dance. I have done all these things but it is past my comprehension as of why I have not yet had a post secondary education.

1 comment:

  1. Good blogs. Your application is very funny. Mechanics are solid. Detail is sufficient. Proofreading is evident. Keep it up.
